A Very Dry July… and I Am Not Talking About The Weather

So, good news is I have started a new job that is AMAZING. It is at a drug rehabilitation, very informational for my future career in clinical psychology. I did have a wonderful weekend in June that I took Heidi to a schooling show. heidi rattlewood 3

July though has been very dull in the riding area, I have mostly been adjusting to my new job and working around the farm and preparing for my vacation in September. I do plan on taking Heidi to a smaller schooling show to get her off the property again in August. This time I have Regumate! YES! She was fine the whole competition until the last day when the combination of being tired and having a stallion across from her. So now I have a helpful pharmaceutical. My vet agreed with me that she should benefit greatly with this.

Not only have I begun my new job, but I also have started my next class for my Master’s program, it has been amazing so far and plan to have more horse adventures soon.  For now I am enjoying my summer and will hopefully be able to plan some adventures for the  rest of summer and fall.

frank and heidi july 7

Happy Horse showing!

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