Ready… Set… Lets Write?

fank heidi january 21

Wowzer, where has the time gone. Cannot believe that it has been not weeks, not months, but YEARS. That’s right, years since I last wrote something. Much has happened within this past couple of years. I will touch base with some key events. That being said what is sad is I would often get the itch to write something, but never took to the key board, but that is coming to an end and let the tap, tap of the keys continue. So jump back to the past I did my 2nd and 3rd residencies in Chicago and Minnesota. Chicago was not my cup of tea, it smelled and too much city for me. Minnesota was a shocker. I loved it there. The downtown was beautiful and the country setting was just an amazing view. I wouldn’t mind going back there to visit. Many homework assignments, sleepless nights with writing papers and working full time. Fast forward to 2018 and I made it to Minnesota again for my graduation Ceremony! Yes! grad finally    The Ceremony was beautiful with a fantabulous guest speaker that was so moving and what I loved about her speech was it was a rational speech, not one that was optimistic of us and how we are going to do great. No her speech was very much about how we are capable an competent if we allow ourselves to fail… That’s right, I said that horrible F word… Fail. F.A.I.L. We are horribly scared of that word and with it comes much shame, guilt and embarrassment that leads to us not taking the risks we should to be happy and successful. BUT, if we can accept failure as a part of the journey for success maybe we can learn and adapt and become successful and more fulfilled.

Fast forward 6 months post graduation. I am working full time and adjusting to having free time to ride now. This has been a welcomed change. What an exciting beginning to be working in the career path I have spent the last 10 years of my life studying for. Hence now I can get back to exploring writing about the adventures I am about to have with my side kicks Frank and Heidi (Horses). Lets see I am beginning to house search so I can have them at home with me. Right now they are at my parents home. We are hoping to get a place that has more of a stable to keep them versus the barn with just 2 stalls that I have now. Keep your fingers crossed for me. So excited for new adventures and we wont even mention the icky white stuff coming down from the sky. Hope all is well with you and your horses. Have a fabulous ride, and until next time.


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